Patriot Strength and Conditioning Center

Mount Pisgah Strength & Conditioning focuses on the long-term development and performance of the student-athletes. Our student-athletes will utilize an individualized sport specific, year-round, linear periodization schedule, designed to achieve peak athletic performance during their respective competitive seasons. It is our goal to achieve success on the field, court, and all competitive surfaces; not just lift heavy weights. 

At Mount Pisgah, we believe in the development of a solid foundation of safety and efficiency, movement, strength, power, toughness, and discipline. It is the passion of Coach Miller to teach proper technique paired with resistance training, change of direction, plyometric work, speed, conditioning, as well as recovery and regeneration. Student-athletes will be immersed in a supervised full body, ground-based program and have the opportunity to utilize multiple techniques ranging from Olympic lifting and single leg weight training to body weight and band exercises.

Our Director of Strength and Conditioning, Coach Miller, collaborates with Head Athletic Trainer, Coach Messinger, to coordinate rehabilitation, nutrition, and analytics to enable our students the appropriate access to resources for their health and athletic competition.

The ultimate goal of this training is to reduce injury rates, promote more efficient and effective movements, and enable our student-athletes body synchronization and optimal control of their bodies during competition. 

Sports Performance Mission Statement: 

- Maximal Speed and change of direction 

- Sport Specific Conditioning 

- Explosive power and Functional Movements 

- Maximal Strength and Flexibility  

- Improve Reaction time and Coordination 

- Scientifically and Sport Specific Programs

- Dynamic Functional Flexibility 

- Character and Spiritual Enhancement